Thursday, 28 April 2011

Playing with wigs.....

Verena, me and my new wig XD

Just playing around with the wig~~~ ^^

Last hangout with Tay Yin Suan

Tay Yin suan~
Good luck in your study~
Be happy always~
Keep in touch~
I will miss you~
Thank you for being my friend~

Verena and me at amp square karaoke lounge...=.=

Me, verena and Tay Yin Suan at amp aquare karaoke lounge~~ ^^

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

1st college trip ^^

1st day before departure. Took picture with friends ^^

Stop at pekan nabalu to see moutain view and buy some stuffs

At luanti,fish spa after having lunch
can't enjoy fish spa because of bad weather.Raining TT.TT

Overnight at D'villa Lodge ^^

2nd day(Last day) Kinabalu park ^^ Enjoying ice cream although it's very cold there ^^

Abacus training O.O

Training room ^^

Everyone so hardworking?(facebook-ing XD)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

April 16, 2011 Trip to Manukan Island

Lizard running loose on the island O.O

beautiful sea view of Manukan Island ^^

Group photo with college friends ^^

Portraits drawings

hyunseung from BEAST

gikwang from BEAST

kevin from u-kiss

yoseob from BEAST

soohyun from u-kiss ^^

kiseop from u-kiss ^^


My poupee account

poupeegirl fashion brand community

My ratemydrawings account

I love to draw ^^